Notes on how to setup my Raspberry Pi 3b with the Hifiberry Digi+ Standard module.
Setup Raspbian Buster
Download Raspbian Buster Lite or the latest
Raspbian lite release. Use balenaetcher
to copy the image to an SD card.
Headless setup
Create /boot/wpa_supplicant.conf
ssid="<Name of your WiFi>"
psk="<Password for your WiFi>"
Create ssh
and place int the root directory as well to enable ssh.
To remove the driver for the on-board soundcard and use Hifiberry Digi instead,
edit /boot/config.txt
# dtparam=audio=on
Boot into the raspberry, connect via ssh. Run raspbi-config
, set a new root password.
Update all packages: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Setup spotifyd
Following the wiki page, download and unpack the latest binary:
mkdir spotifyd
cd spotifyd/
wget [latest armv6 release]
unzip spotifyd-*.zip -d
Configure systemd startup
$ wget
$ sudo cp spotifyd.service /etc/systemd/system/spotifyd.service
# change the execution directory to the directory created above
ExecStart=/home/pi/spotifyd/spotifyd --no-daemon
# change the executing user to pi
# ensure the systemd service is started automatically:
$ systemctl enable spotifyd.service
Configure spotifyd
# A minimal `/etc/spotifyd.conf` configuration file:
device_name = raspberrypi
bitrate = 320
ALSA issues
pi@raspberrypi:/etc $ amixer controls
numid=1,iface=MIXER,name='Tx Source'
pi@raspberrypi:/etc $ amixer cget numid=1
numid=1,iface=MIXER,name='Tx Source'
; type=ENUMERATED,access=rw------,values=1,items=2
; Item #0 'S/PDIF RX'
; Item #1 'AIF'
: values=0
pi@raspberrypi:/etc $ amixer cset numid=1 50%
numid=1,iface=MIXER,name='Tx Source'
; type=ENUMERATED,access=rw------,values=1,items=2
; Item #0 'S/PDIF RX'
; Item #1 'AIF'
: values=1